Hi, I'm Chad Malmrose

A <Developer> and <Student> focused on automation and innovation

About Me

Who I Am

I'm a computer science student who loves trying and mastering new things. Coding has interested me since I first learned about it, and I really wanted to pursue it after my parents bought me "Computer Programming for Dummies" in 7th grade.
I love to design and implement programs, fix things, work with people, and learn!

I'm open to a job that can allow me to push myself, coordinate with other people, and contribute to something impactful.

Let's connect on Linkedin!

My Skills

Here are some of my technical skills. Each one is rated based on my experience level.



Here are some of my most recent personal projects

Blackjack Odds

Blackjack Odds tests the best strategy to play given any casino/game rule preconditions. It simulates games and tests every possible move for each round, storing the results in a file, until the user stops the program. This file can then be interpreted to determine the best chance the player has at winning depending on their hand and the dealer's hand. I created this project because I love working with data and I wanted to test my abilities and see for myself how accurate the BlackJack "cheat sheets" are. This project was made with JavaScript and uses Node.js.

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An Electron app developed for designing and backtesting trading strategies for cryptocurrency and stocks without the requirement of knowing how to code. This app is successfully integrated with the Kraken, ETrade, and TD Ameritrade APIs for connecting to real-time market and account data. I chose Electron for this because I wanted to learn this technology along with improve my JavaScript skills.

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Check out more of my projects on GitHub!


Some other things I do in my free time






B.S. Computer Science - Utah Valley University

I am currently a junior at UVU pursuing a bachelor's degree in computer science. I came back to school in the spring 2022 semester after a two-year break. Since I have been back I've gotten a 4.0 gpa all five semesters. I have been enjoying the projects and content in my classes as well as making lifelong connections with my professors and classmates.